From time to time, everyone feels down. Not every day will feel like you’re standing on top of the mountain. Life is life, and we all know there will be bad days, but when bad days seem to be all you have any more, you may be dealing with depression.
Consult your doctor and explain the symptoms you are having. Don’t minimize it or sweep it under the rug. Depression is very real and is characterized by intense feelings of sadness. Follow the plan your doctor recommends, but below are some additional positive ways you can use to help depression.
1. Therapy
Therapy is a very effective way to help deal with depression. Bottling everything up inside and not giving yourself a proper outlet to share your feelings is not good. Therapists are trained professionals who can help you make sense of your thoughts and feelings.
2. Changing Your Diet
What you eat is vital to how you feel. Make sure you give your body excellent sources to draw its energy from. Snickers and popcorn are not good sources! Eat plenty of fruits and veggies, drink plenty of water, and follow a healthy diet. The Mediterranean diet is easy to implement and has many incredible benefits. No matter what diet you decide, do it now, and stick with it. Don’t wait till the beginning of the week or some particular date. Start today. Your body will thank you.
3. Get Some Rest
Sleep is paramount to good health. Get plenty of rest. The body is excellent at healing itself if given a chance. Quit staying up all night thinking. Give your mind a break and get some sleep. If you have difficulty sleeping, start developing a routine before bed. Turn down the lighting, turn off the TV, listen to some relaxing music or sleep sounds, and take a lavender bath. Get your body ready to relax and get some sleep.
4. Eat Regularly
Not only do you need to eat right, but you need to eat regularly. Don’t go all day without eating and then binge eat at night. When you eat regularly, it helps regulate your body.
5. Stay Connected to Friends and Family
Keep up with friends. Make sure you stay connected to your friends and family. Please share what you are going through so they understand. Don’t be afraid to talk to them. Having a solid support system makes all the difference in the world. Don’t shut them out. Isolating yourself can make depression worse.
6. Sunlight
It is crucial to get out and get some sunlight every day. Shutting yourself indoors is not good. Sunlight has many excellent benefits for the body.
7. Think positive thoughts.
Negative thinking is a hallmark of depression. Even if you don’t feel like it, think about positive things. Think about places you would love to go, family, you love spending time with, and past successes. Negative thoughts like “I am worthless” are common in depression. By thinking of past successes instead, you are challenging these negative thoughts. Positive thoughts are key to feeling better.
8. Change Your Thoughts
No more negative thinking. Think about your good qualities. No matter who you are, you have some excellent qualities. You may be kind, funny, intelligent, or loving. Think hard, and list as many as you can think of.
9. Journaling
Get yourself a journal. Write in it every day. Write down all your thoughts, feelings, and emotions. It doesn’t have to make sense, it is only for your eyes anyways. Journaling helps you do a mind dump and get all your thoughts out. Also, journaling is great, because later you can look back and see the progress you have made. Use colored pencils and markers, draw doodles. Get fun with it!
10. Exercise
Exercise is a great way to get the happy chemicals flowing. Get on the treadmill, ride your bike, walk the dog. Just get some form of exercise. Being stagnant will make depression worse.
11. Prayer
Talk to God. Listen to what He has to say. He knows you, He created you, and He can help you.
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